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Moorpark Unified School District

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Emergency Information

Emergency Contacts

Emergency:  Call 911

Moorpark Unified School District Office 
(805)  378-6300 - Main switchboard

Office Hours:

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Monday - Friday

After Hours:  Call main switchboard to contact the answering service

Ventura County Fire Webpage

Los Angeles County Fire Webpage

Communication with Parents During an Emergency

Please do not call the school or District Office during an earthquake or other disaster.

The first priority of all staff will be caring for students, so there may not be anyone answering phones.  Instead, parents are requested to check for information that will be posted and updated in the following places, as quickly as possible.

  • District website -
  • local radio stations:  KCLU 88.3 FM, KVTA 1520 AM  
  • local cable access channel

As possible, the District may utilize the services of an automatic dialing service to call individual homes

Emergency Response Plan

The Moorpark Unified School District has developed a District-wide Emergency Response Plan to assure the safety and welfare of the students and staff.  In addition, each school has developed a Safe School Plan designed to meet the specific needs of the school.  Each school site is prepared and equipped to respond as an independent unit, including the storage of water and first aid supplies.  A three-day supply of food is stored within the District for each site.  During a disaster, all District employees automatically become disaster service workers and are required to remain on site to care for the children.

During an emergency situation, the  District will be in close communication with emergency response agencies, fire, police and the City of Moorpark's Emergency Operations Center.

Students in kindergarten through eighth grade will be released only to their parents or designees following a major disaster.  Students in grades 9-12 may be released at the Principal's discretion, when it is deemed safe.

School Violence Prevention

School leaders in our District review their Safe School Plans with staff and students in order to reinforce emergency procedures and to underscore the importance of reporting any threatening or suspicious occurrence. 

It is important to know that less than one percent of violent deaths in the United States are school associated.    Moorpark Unified School District holds the safety of its students and staff as the essential base for providing an optimum environment for learning. 

 Our Safe School Plans include a balance of security and prevention strategies.  Some of the key elements are:

  • Controlled entry to facilities,
  • Campus security personnel and communication systems,
  • School Resource Officer and close communication with Moorpark Police Department,
  • Policy and rule enforcement prohibiting bullying, harassment and aggressive conduct,
  • Crisis training and practice drills for students and staff
  • Character education programs and school culture of respectful relations,
  • Peer mediation and conflict resolution programs,
  • Counseling and interventions to address behavior management and improve social skills,
  • Inclusive activities to promote connections and relationships with others at school.

It is extremely important that everyone in the school community understands the important role they play in reporting unusual or concerning behaviors.

Dr. Kelli Hays
District Superintendent 

Air Quality

Air Quality - General Information
Moorpark Unified School District follows the health advisories of the Ventura County Public Health Department and the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District in curtailing physical activity and time outdoors of students and employees during periods of poor air quality.  The Ventura County Public Health Department notes that there is usually little difference between the air quality in a school and that found in the surrounding homes. 

When air quality is extremely unhealthy, the following procedures are put in place:

  • Physical education classes are held indoors and athletic practices are canceled.
  • Provisions are made for students to eat lunch indoors.

If parents wish to supervise their children at  home during periods when there is smoke and poor air quality, please notify the school office in the usual manner.

Power Outages

During periods of power outages, all District schools remain open. Accommodations are made for student lunches to be delivered from other sites.

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