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Moorpark Unified School District

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District Facilities Advisory 7-11 Committee


District Facilities Advisory Committee


Moorpark Unified School District District Facilities Advisory (7-11) Committee

June 2015: The Moorpark Unified School District approved the appointment of a district advisory committee to advise the Board of Education regarding the potential future use and/or disposition of the former Community High School site, located at 5700 Condor Drive, Moorpark.  As designated in Education Code Section 17389, the committee consists of the following representative membership which must not be less than 7 nor more than 11 members:

a) The ethnic, age group, and socioeconomic composition of the District

b) The business community, such as store owners, managers or supervisors

c) Landowners or renters, with preference to be given to representatives of neighborhood associations

d) Teachers

e) Administrators

f) Parents of students

g) Persons with expertise in environmental impact, legal contacts, building codes, and land use planning, including but not limited to, knowledge in zoning and other land use restrictions of the cities or cities and counties in which the real property is located

January 2016:  The District (7-11) Advisory Committee held its final meeting on January 5, 2016 and unanimously determined to recommend that the Board of Education retain the site and not declare it as surplus to allow the District to explore needs such as expansion of career technical education opportunities for students and to allow for other education opportunities as deemed necessary and feasible.  The recommendation was presented to the Board of Education on January 12, 2016.  

Please contact the Superintendent's Office if you have any questions.