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Moorpark Unified School District

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Citizen Bond Oversight Committee



In March of 2002, the Moorpark Unified School District passed its first bond for $33 million.  A Citizens Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) was established, as required by law, to monitor the expenditures of the bond and give reports on the status of the Measure R Bonds.  Please refer to the CBOC agendas and minutes.  In addition, an annual financial and performance audit is conducted by an independent audit firm and  posted on this web page.

In November of 2008, voters in Moorpark approved Measure S, a second bond issuance of $39.5 million. Priorities for this bond were split between 21st century technology in classrooms, remodel and upgrades at Moopark High School, and maintenance projects throughout the District. A Citizens Bond Oversight Committee was again established. Meetings are held approximately three times per year with agendas, minutes and handouts posted to the left. Annual financial and performance audits are conducted by an independent audit firm, also posted to the left. Current members of CBOC are listed to the right, along with their e-mail addresses. We are very proud of the accomplishments made possible through the generous efforts of our citizens. Annual reports (to the left) showcase the visible construction and remodel projects throughout the district. Our schools reflect the care and concern of our staff and our community providing a 21st Century learning experience for all of our students.

Measure S Ballot Measure

Measure S Ballot Project List

Measure S Agendas / Approved Minutes

CBOC 2019-2020 Agenda & Minutes

CBOC 2018-19 Agenda & Minutes

CBOC 2017-18 Agenda & MInutes

CBOC 2016-17 Agenda & Minutes

CBOC 2015-16 Agenda & Minutes

CBOC 2014-15 Agenda & Minutes

CBOC 2013-14 Agenda & Minutes

CBOC 2012-13 Agenda & Minutes

CBOC 2011-12 Agenda & Minutes

CBOC 2010-11 Agenda & Minutes

CBOC 2009-10 Agenda & Minutes

CBOC 2008-09 Agenda & Minutes






Current Year Agenda and Handouts

Measure S Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

Sally Baker

Winston Blauser

Daniel Groff

Denise Ferguson

Jackie Flame

Ilee Rhimes

Douglas Ridley

Sandi Thompson

CBOC Bylaws

CBOC Bylaws

CBOC Rules, Roles and Responsibilities

Financial & Performance Audits- Measure R & S

Financial & Performance Audits- Measure R & S